A litte late, but I finished recording a programming video where I discuss and implement the Farach-Colton and Bender algorithm. I need to trim it a little bit though, which I would like to do today or tomorrow.
Also, this is a recording I made a few weeks ago about ancient Sumerian art. I wish I hadn't recorded it outside though, because the cold air made my mouth and lips rather dry. Also, it got cut off a little bit at the end.
I should add that I don't think Girard's point is particularly interesting, but I do think that it makes for a very evocative setup. Also, I understand that people like David Graeber have written about how inequality/social stratification also existed in small hunter-gatherer societies (although I haven't read his book yet) - but I think there is a marked distinction between the minimal structures in the former case and the structures in the latter/post-Neolithization case.
Finally, one relevant piece of art that I didn't mention is the Stele of Naram-Sin, which is pretty interesting in that it depicts an Akkadian ruler as a "god" in and of himself - I believe this was pretty unprecedented relative to older Sumerian art. So that's another thing to look into.
Heartbreaking realization that my goat might be washed. 0-8 in the second half against the lakers yesterday ??
I will update this site imminently. Like this week. Probably with a video about something I was reading. At the same time, I've purchased another domain and am going to use it as a public-facing site.
With that in mind, I'm thinking much more carefully about its UI. I was initially just going to use it as a repository for some notes about/discussion of advanced topics in ds&a, software foundations, etc. However, I would actually like to broaden the content a little bit. Maybe some discussion of the "material" side of things, which I've been thinking about a lot more lately - like corporate strategy, VC, etc. Likely some math.
As for this site, I will probably repurpose it for something or other over the course of the next few weeks.
I know it's sort of a corny movie but I really liked Dark City .. I can totally see how it influenced the Matrix movies